“Base, foul, fiend-like,” said her enemies.
“Docile, modest and artless,” said her friends.
Who was Maria Glenn and why was opinion so divided about her – and the story she told?
Naomi Clifford’s new book The Disappearance of Maria Glenn (Pen & Sword) relates the mystery surrounding the abduction of a teenager from her home in Taunton in 1817.
The author will talk about this book, and also about the work she is now researching – on women who went to the gallows in the early 19th century, including 70-year-old Rebecca Dunn, dragged to the Kennington gallows in 1797 for the coining offences.
Naomi has lived in Stockwell for 25 years and is a well known community activist and writer. Under the name Naomi Lourie Klein she wrote These Were Our Sons: Stories from Stockwell War Memorial, published in 2012.
Tate South Lambeth Library
180 South Lambeth Road
London SW8 1QP
Wednesday 25 May 2016, doors open at 6.30 for 7pm
This talk is jointly organised by the Friends of TSL and Lambeth Libraries, forming part of May’s literary festival at Lambeth libraries.
Admission free. Refreshments available.